HE CLASS ACTION ANNOUNCEMENT: Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check, LLP Announces Securities Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. (HE)

RADNOR, Pa.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– #classaction–The law firm of Kessler Topaz Meltzer & Check, LLP (www.ktmc.com) informs investors that a securities class action lawsuit has been filed against Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. (“Hawaiian Electric”) (NYSE: HE). The action charges Hawaiian Electric with violations of the federal securities laws, including omissions and fraudulent misrepresentations relating to the company’s business, operations, and prospects. As a result of Hawaiian Electric’s materially mi

BANK OF AMERICA INVESTIGATION INITIATED BY FORMER LOUISIANA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC Investigates the Officers and Directors of Bank of America Corporation – BAC

NEW ORLEANS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Former Attorney General of Louisiana, Charles C. Foti, Jr., Esq., a partner at the law firm of Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC (“KSF”), announces that KSF has commenced an investigation into Bank of America Corporation (NYSE: BAC). On July 11, 2023, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced that an investigation found that the Company had harmed hundreds of thousands of customers across multiple product lines over a period of several years through a series of i

Hotels’ Refusal to Pay Living Wage, Widespread Violence Against Strikers Leads to Boycott of Los Angeles; UNITE HERE Local 11 Members Tell Conventions to Stay Away From Strike-Ready Hotels

LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Today, UNITE HERE Local 11 members, along with representatives from future citywide conventions and events, announced a boycott of Los Angeles, until the hotel industry pays a living wage and puts an end to violence against its striking members. The workers’ call for conventions to stay away from Los Angeles marks a major escalation in the largest hotel worker strike in U.S. history. In a statement of support, Kathryn Lybarger, President AFSCME 3299, said, “AFSCME