APELLIS PHARMACEUTICALS SHAREHOLDER ALERT by Former Louisiana Attorney General: Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC Reminds Investors With Losses in Excess of $100,000 of Lead Plaintiff Deadline in Class Action Lawsuit Against Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. – APLS

NEW ORLEANS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Kahn Swick & Foti, LLC (“KSF”) and KSF partner, former Attorney General of Louisiana, Charles C. Foti, Jr., remind investors that they have until October 2, 2023 to file lead plaintiff applications in a securities class action lawsuit against Apellis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NasdaqGS: APLS), if they purchased the Company’s shares between January 28, 2021 and July 28, 2023, inclusive (the “Class Period”). This action is pending in the United States District Court

 QuantumScape Announces Pricing of Public Offering of Class A Common Stock

SAN JOSE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–QuantumScape Corporation (NYSE: QS), a leader in developing next-generation solid-state lithium-metal batteries, today announced the pricing of an underwritten public offering of 37,500,000 shares of its Class A common stock (the “Shares”) for gross proceeds of $300 million, before deducting the underwriting discount and commissions and estimated offering expenses. QuantumScape has granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional 5,625,

AGCO Agriculture Foundation向Amigos do Bem机构捐赠24万巴西雷亚尔

佐治亚州杜鲁斯–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美国商业资讯)– AGCO Agriculture Foundation(以下简称 “基金会”)是一家私人基金会,其愿景是通过可持续农业发展预防和缓解饥饿。该基金会将向Amigos do Bem捐赠24万巴西雷亚尔(约合五万美元)。这笔资金将用于支持 “腰果树苗转型项目”,该项目旨在协助巴西东北部的腰果种植小农场主发展,创造工作和收入,并对极端弱势家庭产生积极影响。 基金会的捐款将用于购买和分发3万株果树苗、肥料和农耕工具套装,并为巴西东北部的小农场主提供培训、技术支持和持续监测。这项倡议将支持100个家庭,直接和间接惠及500多人,此外,通过种植腰果树,每年还可中和500吨二氧化碳。 基金会主席Roger Batkin表示: “腰果树苗计划对小生产者和环境产生了直接而积极的影响。最重要的是,该计划为他们的作物进入有保障的市场开辟了道路。这类具有社会影响力的倡议与基金会支持农村社区粮食安全和可持续农业发展的重大计划的方法高度一致。” 分发给农民的腰果树苗将种植在农户自己的土地上,按市场价值购买产品有所保证,此举可鼓励巴西坚果供应商

Le Fonds saoudien pour le développement inaugure la construction de la bibliothèque de l'Université de Sarajevo

SARAJEVO, Bosnie-Herzégovine–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Le président du conseil d’administration du Fonds saoudien pour le développement (SFD), S.E. Ahmed Al-Khateeb, a posé la pierre angulaire en préparation à la construction et l’équipement de la nouvelle bibliothèque de l’Université de Sarajevo, financée grâce à une généreuse subvention d’une valeur de 22 millions de dollars fournie par l’Arabie saoudite, par l’intermédiaire du FSD. La nouvelle bibliothèque servira de centre principal reliant les 28