Tale of 2 housing markets will linger into 2024, Zonda economist warns

With listings still in short supply, homebuyers are “dealing with an affordability shock” and new homes will play an outsize role in housing markets, Zonda Chief Economist Ali Wolf said at ICNY.

Tame the Mess for Less: Tineco Floor One S6 Discounted on Cdiscount

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Tineco Floor One S6 is a versatile all-in-one vacuum cleaner that cleans both dry and wet messes. At Cdiscount, find it on sale for €469.00 instead of €599.00 during the winter sales from January 25 to February 6. The Tineco Floor One S6 can handle a variety of household cleaning tasks, including: Cleaning hard floors of dirt, dust, and debris Removing sticky messes, such as pet hair and food spills Mopping floors to remove dirt and grime The Tineco Floor One S6 feat

Lessor Orderbooks to Be in High Demand as Supply Shortage of Aircraft Continues

DUBLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The value of new aircraft deliveries is expected to rise by over 15% to c.US$100 billion in 2024, according to a paper published today by Avolon, a leading global aviation finance company. The delivery of over 1,450 new large commercial aircraft will help drive airlines’ passenger revenues up 12% to US$717 billion. Airlines’ net profit is projected to rise by 10% to US$26 billion. 4.7 billion people are expected to fly in 2024, more than any year in history. Aircraft va

適逢做空者發起攻擊一年後,Gautam Adani在一份聲明中稱Adani已變得更為強大

印度艾哈邁達巴德–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美國商業資訊)– 下文是Adani Group董事長Gautam Adani所做的一份聲明: 2023年1月25日,也就是整整一年前,有消息稱紐約一名做空者把對Adani Group的種種指控拼湊並發布到網路上。這份報告包含雷同的已作廢指控,某些詆毀者一直試圖利用精心炮製的源自己披露和公開資訊的真假參半的傳聞,妄圖通過炒作使這些指控死灰復燃。 做空攻擊的影響通常僅限於金融市場。然而這是一種獨特的二維攻擊——當然,是金融方面的,也是一種進入政治領域的攻擊——相互促進。在一些媒體的幫助和教唆下,這些謊言頗具殺傷力,足以大幅侵蝕我們投資組合的市值,因為資本市場通常更情緒化,而不是理性化。成千上萬的小投資者失去了他們的積蓄。如果這些批評者的陰謀完全得逞,多米諾骨牌效應可能會使許多關鍵性基礎設施資產癱瘓,從海港、機場到電力供應鏈——這對任何國家來說都是災難性的局面。然而,由於我們堅實的資產、穩健的運營和高品質的資訊披露、洞若觀火的金融界,包括貸款機構和評級機構,他們拒絕被紛飛的謊言所動搖,而是堅定地站在我們一邊。 我們沒有處理這種情況的先

ADM Declares Cash Dividend

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–ADM’s (NYSE: ADM) Board of Directors has declared a cash dividend of 50.0 cents per share on the company’s common stock, an approximately 11% increase from last quarter’s dividend of 45.0 cents per share. The dividend is payable on Feb. 29, 2024, to shareholders of record on Feb. 8, 2024. This is ADM’s 369th consecutive quarterly payment, a record of more than 92 years of uninterrupted dividends. As of Dec. 31, 2023, there were 513,612,404 shares of ADM common stock ou