“Trade Republic” svin savu 5. dzimšanas dienu ar 4 miljoniem klientu un ievieš jaunu karti ar 1 procenta atlaidi par katru kartes maksājumu

BERLĪNE–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Piecus gadus pēc darbības uzsākšanas “Trade Republic” ir kļuvusi par Eiropas lielāko brokeri un vadošo uzkrājumu platformu. Pašlaik 4 miljoni klientu 17 valstīs veic ieguldījumus ar “Trade Republic” starpniecību, pārvaldot aktīvus aptuveni 35 miljardu eiro apmērā. Nododot klientiem ECB procentu likmes, kas pašlaik ir 4 % gadā, “Trade Republic” 2023. finanšu un kalendāro gadu noslēdza ar tīro peļņu. Šodien, savā piektajā dzimšanas dienā, “Trade Republic” atver gaidīšana

Pembina Pipeline Corporation Announces $1.8 Billion Public Note Offering

CALGARY, Alberta–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Pembina Pipeline Corporation (“Pembina” or the “Company”) (TSX: PPL; NYSE: PBA) announced today that it has agreed to issue $1.8 billion aggregate principal amount of senior unsecured medium-term notes (the “Offering”). The Offering will be conducted in three tranches consisting of: $600 million principal amount of senior unsecured medium-term notes, series 20 (the “Series 20 Notes”) having a fixed coupon of 5.02% per annum, paid semi-annually, and maturing on

Altus Power to Participate at Upcoming Consumer Electronics Show, the CRREM – UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative Webinar Series and the Needham Growth Conference

STAMFORD, Conn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Altus Power (NYSE: AMPS), the leading commercial-scale provider of clean electric power, today announced its co-CEOs, Gregg Felton, Lars Norell, and other members of the Altus Power team will present at various industry conferences and investor meetings, including the Consumer Electronics Show (Jan. 11), the Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM) and United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) webinar series (Jan. 16), and the 26th Annual