FICO and Jersey Telecom Collaborate to Tackle Authorised Push Payment Fraud

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–In the fight against the growing problem of financial scams, global analytics software leader FICO has collaborated with Jersey Telecom (JT) to develop a powerful solution that enables direct, near real-time intervention to protect customers. FICO and JT worked with leading UK banks to identify the most relevant telephony signals that indicate an active scam. The FICO® Customer Communications Service Scam Signal, currently available in Jersey, the UK and Spain, and with

NRF und Comexposium erweitern die große Einzelhandels-Show auf Europa

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Die National Retail Federation und der in Paris ansässige Veranstalter Comexposium gaben heute bekannt, dass die jährliche Konferenz und Ausstellung der Paris Retail Week ab 2025 unter einem neuen Namen stattfinden wird. Die erste NRF 2025: Retail’s Big Show Europe wird vom 16. bis 18. September 2025 in den Pariser Porte de Versailles Pavillons 4 und 6 stattfinden. Es wird erwartet, dass Tausende von Einzelhändlern und Geschäftspartnern aus ganz Europa teilnehmen werden.

LIBER HOTEL OSAKA Introducing the “MUJI room” for an Immersive MUJI Experience

OSAKA, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Liber Hotel Osaka (located in Konohana-ku, Osaka, operated by Musashino Co., Ltd.) is joining the new “MUJI room” project launched by Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo) and refurbishing 12 guest rooms to create “MUJI rooms.” Liber Hotel Osaka aims to be “a hotel where guests can release their mind from daily life and enjoy the extraordinary.” Ryohin Keikaku presents its corporate purpose as contributing to the realization of “a decent s

Strongpoint instala la primera red multitemperatura AutoStore™ del mundo

MADRID–(BUSINESS WIRE)–StrongPoint, empresa de tecnología para el comercio minorista centrada en hacer que las tiendas y las cadenas de suministro sean más eficientes e inteligentes, ha instalado con éxito la primera solución multitemperatura del mundo: AutoStore™ Multitemperature Solution™, que incluye una zona de congelación. La instalación inaugural se ha llevado a cabo para Haugaland Storhusholdning, parte del grupo noruego de distribución de alimentos DLVRY, se trata de una instalación u

Biden Administration Extends Review Period for Nippon Takeover of U.S. Steel

U.S. Steel’s chief, David Burritt, expressed confidence on Tuesday that the sale of the American manufacturer to a Japanese owner would close “on its merits” despite bipartisan backlash.

BAM Mutual Launches Bond Insurance for Australia’s Energy Transition and Social Infrastructure Projects

MELBOURNE, Australia–(BUSINESS WIRE)—- $WTM–BAM Mutual, the only mutual bond insurer focused on reducing the cost of debt sold for essential infrastructure, is opening a Melbourne office and will begin insuring bonds and loans sold to finance projects in Australia and New Zealand. BAM’s focus will include electricity transmission and distribution networks that support the energy transition, social infrastructure, and transportation facilities. “BAM Mutual’s mission is to make infrastructure more aff