Archax 與 XDC Network 建立合作夥伴關係,以推動 現實世界資產代幣化的創新和增長

倫敦–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美國商業資訊)– Archax,英國首家受 FCA 監管的數碼證券交易所、經紀商和託管商,今日宣布與 XDC Network(一個企業級 Layer-1 EVM 相容區塊鏈)建立新的合作夥伴關係。根據合作協議,兩家公司將結合受監管數碼資產平台的實力與創新的區塊鏈解決方案,使金融機構能夠以具成本效益和高效的方式使用代幣化的現實世界資產(RWA),並在此過程中擴大數碼資產的採用,徹底改變全球金融市場。 此合作使能透過 XDC Network 平台存取 Archax 上列出的數位資產。Archax 是業界領先的創新者,並最近宣布新增貨幣市場基金至其平台,這些基金來自更多藍籌資產管理公司。XDC 是一個旨在支持全球支付和實體資產的網絡,專注於可擴展性、安全性和互操作性。 「我們很興奮能與 XDC Markets 合作,他們是區塊鏈和代幣化領域的領導者,也是一家與我們擁有共同願景,期盼抓住代幣化經濟下一波浪潮的公司,」Archax 架構主管 Keith O’Callaghan 表示。「數位資產的創新和發展自我們成立以來一直是我們的核心。底層的區塊鏈

BW LPG Limited – BW LPG Takes Delivery of Vessel BW Pampero from Avance Gas

SINGAPORE–(BUSINESS WIRE)–With reference to the stock exchange announcement on 15 August 2024 for the acquisition of 12 modern Very Large Gas Carriers (VLGCs) from Avance Gas Holdings Ltd (“Avance Gas”, OSE ticker code: “AGAS”), BW LPG Limited (“BW LPG” or the “Company”, OSE ticker code: “BWLPG.OL”, NYSE ticker code “BWLP”) has taken delivery of vessel BW Pampero on 7 December 2024. Seven of the 12 VLGCs are now delivered. BW LPG has today issued 1,350,000 new BW LPG shares to Avance Gas as p

Get ready for ‘the Costco door,’ a Mormon trend set to sweep the US

We already have Mormon moms to thank for the resurgence of Stanley cups, and now they’re putting another trend on the map — the Costco door. The Costco door is a 3-by-3-foot ground-level door that connects the garage and pantry.