Four Democratic Justices again reveal their partisanship.
Author: bzNewsWire
Streaming’s Golden Age Is Suddenly Dimming
After years of breakneck growth, the number of scripted TV series orders made by networks and streamers is in decline.
Despite interest rate hikes, listed realty firms see dip in cost of debt
Debt cost of eight listed players at lowest since pandemic
バミューダ諸島ハミルトン–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(ビジネスワイヤ) — 世界最大の非公開スピリッツ会社のバカルディは、フォーブスから世界で最も女性にやさしい企業の1つとして認められたことを祝福しています。この有名なリストと結果は、36カ国の多国籍組織で働く約8万5000人の女性を対象とする独自の調査に基づいています。 誰もが公平に扱われて平等な機会を得る場所を築くことに努める当社のビロンギング・プログラムの主要な柱として、Women in Leadershipがあります。バカルディのビロンギングは、スピリッツの世界で十分に代表されていないグループをサポートするためのプログラム策定や成長の機会の創出などに焦点を当てた世界的な活動です。 家族経営のバカルディにおいて現在と将来の女性リーダーの可能性を解き放つことを意図し、当社は個人的・職業的能力の開発を支援するいくつかのプログラムを提供しています。世界的なメンターシップ・プログラムが、女性をさまざまな市場や職務にわたるリーダーや協力者と結びつけています。わずか6年間で、このメンターシップ・プログラムへの参加者は10倍に増加
In the U.S., His Site Has Been Linked to Massacres. In Japan, He’s a Star.
Hiroyuki Nishimura has become a famous voice for disenchanted young Japanese. What he talks much less about is his ownership of the notorious website 4chan.
What’s next for Netflix, Disney and the NFL? 12 media executives predict 2023’s big moves
CNBC asked 12 past and present media executives for one industry-shaking prediction for 2023 under the veil of anonymity.
Young minds should put nation’s interest above self: Narayan Murthy
The Infosys founder was addressing students and researchers at the GMR Institute of Technology in Andhra Pradesh, which was observing its Silver Jubilee Year
Breast Implants Left This Founder With Debilitating Symptoms, So She Launched an Intimate-Apparel Line That Goes Beyond Buzzwords
Love, Lexxi founder Meg Smith wanted to create what was missing: an undergarment brand that valued style, comfort and body confidence.
What Comes Next for the Most Empty Downtown in America
Tech workers are still at home. The $17 salad place is expanding into the suburbs. So what is left in San Francisco?
Advance tax mop-up grew 12% in April-Dec period to Rs 5.21 trillion
Net direct tax collection has grown 19% to over Rs 11.35 trillion