This is where it takes the longest amount of time to save up for a home

In Glendale, California, a homebuyer with a median household income for the area can expect to save for 15.1 grueling years, compared to counterparts in Detroit, who will save for just 2.6 years.

How these agents use storytelling tactics to excel in home sales

“Storytelling is so powerful in sales,” say these leading luxury agents. “I am constantly telling stories — whether it’s in my social media, magazine ads, or in-person on a listing interview. Stories are what piece everything together.”

The coach’s love-hate guide to profitability in 2023

To maximize your profitability in 2023, you must also address how your beliefs, attitudes and feelings either support or undermine your ability to take the actions that result in success. Trainer Bernice Ross walks you through an actionable, step-by-step planning process to help you soar like never before.