Surging U.S. Oil Production Brings Down Prices and Raises Climate Fears

American oil production is hitting record levels, delivering economic and foreign policy benefits but putting environmental goals further out of reach.

How Your Child’s School Bus Might Prevent Blackouts

When not driving around, electric buses and other vehicles could help utilities by storing their solar and wind energy and releasing it to meet surges in demand.

China Is Winning in Solar Power, but Its Coal Use Is Raising Alarms

China is building as much clean energy capacity over four years as it had promised to build in 10 years, but continues to add coal-fired power plants.

Chasing Big Mergers, Oil Executives Dismiss Peak Oil Concerns

Exxon Mobil and Chevron are spending tens of billions of dollars buying oil and gas assets, betting that the International Energy Agency’s predictions of declining oil demand are wrong.

A New Job for Electric Vehicles: Powering Homes During Blackouts

Some energy experts say battery-powered vehicles will increasingly help keep the lights on and support electric grids, rather than straining them.