Biden Administration Extends Review Period for Nippon Takeover of U.S. Steel

U.S. Steel’s chief, David Burritt, expressed confidence on Tuesday that the sale of the American manufacturer to a Japanese owner would close “on its merits” despite bipartisan backlash.

Biden Expected to Block U.S. Steel Takeover by Nippon

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States is expected to raise national security concerns about selling the iconic steel producer to Japan’s Nippon Steel.

Trump May Claim Credit for Stock Surges, but the Reality Is Far More Complicated

On Wall Street, claims that a president is responsible for the fate of the stock market are largely dismissed as bluster.

Harris and Trump Offer a Clear Contrast on the Economy

Both candidates embrace expansions of government power to steer economic outcomes — but in vastly different areas.

Will Billions More in New Aid Save Family Farms?

The Biden administration aims to better support small farmers while still aiding big operations and rewarding climate-friendly practices. It’s a tall order.

U.S. Seeks to Join Forces With Europe to Combat Excess Chinese Goods

Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen warned that China’s industrial strategy posed a global threat that requires a united response.

Biden’s China Tariffs Are the End of an Era for Cheap Chinese Goods

The president’s move to protect strategic manufacturing sectors from low-cost competition aims to increase jobs, but consumers might not like the costs.