Is it possible to market a seller wanting to offer a concession?

With all the commission confusion as we near the Aug. 17 implementation deadline, compliance expert Summer Goralik is here to answer your burning questions, starting with concessions.

7 musts for buyer presentations ahead of the commission deadline

Marketing expert Marci James shares strategies designed to help you showcase your value, negotiate commissions with confidence and build a thriving buyer’s agent business in 2024.

7 things that make real estate agents look unprofessional

As a real estate agent, your reputation can make or break your business. Christy Murdock shares seven things that can significantly damage your professional image and what you can do to avoid them.

My neighbor’s house won’t sell. Virtual staging would help

Virtual staging is becoming an increasingly easy and affordable way to market a stale listing. Here are a number of software companies that excel in making empty homes meet market expectations.