Western economic officials projected a united front, and braced for retaliation, as they prepped tougher sanctions and tariffs.
Category: Protectionism (Trade)
G7 Finance Ministers Close Ranks as Tensions with Russia and China Fester
Western economic officials projected a united front, and braced for retaliation, as they prepped tougher sanctions and tariffs.
U.S. Seeks to Join Forces With Europe to Combat Excess Chinese Goods
Treasury Secretary Janet L. Yellen warned that China’s industrial strategy posed a global threat that requires a united response.
Biden’s China Tariffs Are the End of an Era for Cheap Chinese Goods
The president’s move to protect strategic manufacturing sectors from low-cost competition aims to increase jobs, but consumers might not like the costs.
Few Chinese Electric Cars Are Sold in U.S., but Industry Fears a Flood
Automakers in the United States and their supporters welcomed President Biden’s tariffs, saying they would protect domestic manufacturing and jobs from cheap Chinese vehicles.
Chinese Export Surge Clouds U.S. Hopes of a Domestic Solar Boom
The decision by a Massachusetts solar company to abandon plans to build a $1.4 billion U.S. factory highlights the risks amid a flood of Chinese clean energy exports.
New U.S. Solar and Electric Car Factories Face Familiar Challenge: China
Worries are growing in Washington that a flood of Chinese products could put new American investments in clean energy and high-tech factories at risk.