Harris and Trump Offer a Clear Contrast on the Economy

Both candidates embrace expansions of government power to steer economic outcomes — but in vastly different areas.

GLAAD Paid For CEO’s Lavish Spending, Documents Reveal

GLAAD paid for its chief executive to fly first-class, rent a Cape Cod house and remodel her home office. It may have violated I.R.S. rules.

One Obstacle for Trump’s Promises: This Isn’t the 2016 Economy

Donald J. Trump slapped tariffs on trading partners and cut taxes in his first term. But after inflation’s return, a repeat playbook would be riskier.

How the U.S. Government Amassed $31 Trillion in Debt

Two decades of tax cuts, recession responses and bipartisan spending fueled more borrowing — contributing $25 trillion to the total and setting the stage for another federal showdown.

Kevin McCarthy’s Speaker Drama Raises New Fears on Debt Limit

An emboldened conservative flank and concessions made to win votes could lead to a protracted standoff on critical fiscal issues, risking economic pain.