A Step-by-Step Guide to Meeting With Potential Investors

A startup founder wears many hats: leader, ambassador, visionary—and, of course, fundraiser. But Robbie Crabtree’s company, Founder Fundraising, coaches founders as they don one more: “chief storytelling officer.”

Robbie, a serial entrepreneur and former litigator, sees the fundraising process as akin to a courtroom trial.

A prosecutor’s opening statement is a concise introduction to the case, similar to a founder’s first call with an investor. An attorney’s closing argument “pitches” to 12 jurors like one might pitch a deal to all the partners at a VC firm. The average trial lasts one or two weeks, which mirrors the typical timeline when persuading investors to fund a startup.

But to pitch well requires understanding the different stages of fundraising and what each step entails. Robbie says. “You have to understand the rules of the game. Because you deal with investors differently before the first meeting . . . at the first meeting . . . in between the first and second meeting, at the second meeting—it’s very similar to a sales process.”

Pre-meeting pointers

Like a resume and cover letter, your deck should be tweaked and tailored to the opportunity. Sometimes it’s even worth developing multiple decks for a single pitch, each designed for different purposes.

In addition to your core pitch deck, consider a text-heavy “explainer” version to use as a follow-up tool. Often, investors pitch to their partners, so they need to be able to clearly articulate your value proposition on your behalf. Your role as a founder is to “equip them with the information to be your champions—to get to that next meeting,” says Robbie. “Sometimes we’ve got to take information, put it in a nice, concise way, and let them do the storytelling.”

First meeting with an investor

Robbie considers the first meeting with an investor to be about “building connections and having conversations,” not asking for money immediately. Initial meetings should create rapport; if that happens, “your chances for a second meeting go way up,” he says. Focusing on money at the outset “creates this transactional, cold relationship dynamic, and humans just don’t operate that way,” Robbie adds.

A few more first VC meeting musts:

Chat about your mutual connection. You probably already have something in common with the VC you’re meeting—you both know the person who introduced you. Start there. Ask how they know your mutual acquaintance and make sure you reinforce the fact that your warm intro came from a trusted source. Therefore, a level of trust already exists.

Get curious and learn their story. Storytellers don’t just share their own narratives—they also listen to others. Ask investors to tell you their stories. “It creates a sense of reciprocity,” Robbie notes. People love to talk about themselves. If you give an investor a chance to tell you how they came to be in their current role and about their accomplishments, you put them in a good mood. It also helps them “feel like a normal human instead of just a source of capital,” says Robbie.

Pop some questions. Meetings with investors aren’t just occasions for presentations. They’re opportunities for dialogue. “Tell your founder story, tell your vision story, and then have some questions,” Robbie says. “You can go back and forth.” It’s a conversation, not an audition.

Understand the investor’s process. Every firm is different. In some firms, it takes unanimous consent. In others, one person can lead the deal. Use those earlier meetings to learn the specific VC firm’s process. When you understand their process, you can build your strategy accordingly.

For example, you might know that even if one decision-maker dislikes you, it won’t sabotage the deal. Or you might know that if one doesn’t like you, it’s a problem. If that happens, Robbie suggests reaching out to your champion, the person who can provide backup and guidance.

Ask for a second round. Don’t assume (or expect) investors to ask you for a second meeting. “You have to ask the question,” Robbie advises. Say something like, Hey, it feels like there’s some alignment here. I’ve really enjoyed this conversation. Would it make sense to go ahead and set up a second call so we can dive deeper to see if it’s a good fit?

Of course, the three possible answers are yes, maybe, and (unfortunately) no.

“There’s a decision tree based on all those . . . but founders have to be willing to ask,” says Robbie. “Many of them get to the end of a first meeting or first call and finish with Okay, well, this was great. Well, you’ll just let me know.

If you don’t broach the subject before leaving the room, it’s a missed opportunity “because investors want less friction,” Robbie points out. “You have to ask them, What are the next steps? How do we move this forward?

Best-case scenario: The investor is happy to meet again. More likely, they’ll tell you something like, We’ll talk it over internally and get back to you. And sometimes, you’ll just get a no, but at least you have your answer. This strategy leads to a “ridiculously high increase in conversion to a second meeting—just by asking that question and doing it in a non-pushy way,” Robbie notes.

Handle any answer with aplomb. Rejection happens for numerous reasons, many of which are simply circumstantial. But you can make lemonade from lemons by leveraging your meetings to grow your network.

Robbie’s script in reply to a “no”? I appreciate that. We know we’re not for everyone. It seems like we had a good conversation. I would love to just stay in touch. And if there’s anyone you think would be interested in this, I would love for you to introduce us. If not, no worries.

Put it on the calendar. What about a “yes”? Well, congratulations! As soon as you hear that magic word, nail down the next meeting: Offer a variety of days and times right then and there. If they say, Yes, but I need to check in with my team, you can take one of two routes. Say, Hey, would it make sense to just set a call on our calendar? We can always change it if it doesn’t work for your team. Or reply with something like, That makes total sense. When should I expect to hear from you?

Sometimes investors drag their feet. Sometime next week isn’t much help. Persist in drawing out and/or clarifying their answer if need be: If I don’t hear from you by Monday, I’ll reach out with some times on my end. Or ask, If I don’t hear from you by Wednesday, can I assume it’s not a good fit?

You’re not forcing their hand, but you’re putting a bit of gentle pressure on them. That’s the only way to ensure clear next steps and expectations—and to preserve your mental health.

The “maybe” is the toughest answer to deal with. But Robbie recommends an approach similar to the “yes”: OK, that makes total sense. I know you have a process and you need to discuss it with other people. When should I expect to hear whether you want to move forward?

Your second meeting with an investor

Round two is where your interactions with VCs dip into make-it-or-break-it mode.

When new people arrive in the room, finding out what they already know (or don’t know) is essential. “We don’t want to assume anything,” says Robbie. He suggests asking a new contact (who works with the investor you’ve already met) something like, I want to make sure we have a productive meeting. I know John and Robert. But I’m curious what Robert already told you about myself as a founder and what we’re building here at Founder Fundraising.

That way, you can learn how familiar they are with you before you proceed with the conversation. Perhaps you won’t need to share your company’s vision story, but you should share your founder story—or vice versa. Then you ask them for a short version of their story and tell them you’re happy to answer any questions.

Essentially, these tips focus on “maintaining proper meeting dynamics,” says Robbie. “[You’re] gathering information, yet leading the conversation and allowing the investor to feel like they’re in control of the conversation, so it’s not one-sided.”

In a second meeting, founders should be ready to answer any questions, including the toughest ones. “You have to be prepared. You should understand what your positioning is and what your framing is . . . You should know your numbers really well, especially financial numbers like your CAC (customer acquisition cost) and LTV (loan-to-value) [ratio]. You should certainly know your go-to-market and [other] strategies.”

Your answers also should be short and sweet. A rambling reply suggests you’re not a hands-on leader. “This is your moment to shine, to show you came prepared to deliver, that you know yourself,” Robbie adds. “When you’re asked questions, pause before answering them. Give yourself two or three seconds to think them through . . . and deliver them in a confident, but approachable, manner. I call it ‘approachable expertise’: I know I’m the expert, but I invite your conversation and questions.”

Three (or four or more) time’s a charm?

By the third or fourth meeting with an investor, you might walk into a room with 10 other people, including all of the VC firm’s partners. It’s inevitably stressful because it’s difficult to be conversational with an audience glaring at you.

Preparation is poise. Composure is confidence in knowing your stuff. A good founder should internalize all the answers to investors’ questions “because they’re the real answers,” says Robbie. “We’re not making up false answers. We’re just packaging what’s there in the most compelling and clear way.”

Put your best face forward

The tactics Robbie shares here can help you put your best face forward. But there’s an even more fundamental strategy you can put in place: “I just had a client close a seed round,” he says. “The biggest change we implemented was not the story. It was not the process. It was actually mindset and how that founder was feeling about it . . . mindset creates energy . . . it allows an investor to feel that a founder has that it factor.”

Operating from a scarcity mindset is operating in fear, Robbie adds. “We want to be operating from a place of confidence and abundance—that there’s plenty of money out there; there are plenty of investors . . . that we’re building a huge business and people want to be involved. That attracts the same energy back to us.”

15 Founders And Investors Share Tips for Raising Startup Capital

Over the past five years, I’ve asked more than 250 founders, investors, and advisors from around the world to share their fundraising stories so emerging founders can learn from their experiences. Whether you’re looking for tips on targeting investors, advice for nailing your pitch, or hacks for running a solid round, I’ve likely talked to a founder who has been in your shoes.

Here are a few of the most valuable pieces of fundraising advice I came across in the past 12 months.

Steer clear of the one-size-fits-all fundraising process

Consider crowdfunding

Mike Bell faced a down round (a lower valuation than the previous round) for Miso Robotics’ Series C, he turned to crowdfunding. Miso raised $60 million across its Series C, D, and E rounds from crowdfunding alone, which Bell says is the ideal path for the right startup. “You need to be able to tell the story really simply and really clearly,” he says. “And it needs to resonate with people.”

Find the “super founders”

When seeking early investors for his startup
Captain, Demetrius Gray went after founders who had raised at least $50 million or exited at over $100 million. These experienced entrepreneurs offered Demetrius valuable feedback, and they advocated for him among peers and investors. “With that endorsement, it’s going to continue to open doors,” he says. “If you need an introduction to a VC, it just becomes easier by virtue of having previous founders on your cap table.”

Ask for an introduction

“Enlisting investors to help us think about how to build a company that is fundable and potentially viable—I couldn’t recommend it more,” says
Astrid Atkinson of cleantech startup Camus Energy.

Knowing she was building tech for a notoriously difficult customer segment, Astrid leaned on her network for warm introductions to knowledgeable investors. Then she started conversations about what a viable company would look like, digging into details of the business model and go-to-market strategy. Some of those conversations turned into checks for Camus Energy’s friends and family and Series A rounds.

The more the merrier—invite everyone to your party round

After raising traditional rounds with previous startups, seasoned entrepreneur
Richard White chose to optimize his fundraising by welcoming as many investors as possible. His Zoom app, Fathom, boasts more than 90 investors, including top VC funds like Maven Ventures and Character.vc, as well as the founders and CEOs of Reddit, Twitch, and Cruise.

“I would love to have thousands of small investors,” he says. “It’s the person who writes three checks a year—doesn’t matter the amount—out of their own piggy bank who is going to care much more about your outcome than some big VC where [your funding] is one of 10 checks they’re going to write this quarter.”

Send cold emails

Plenty of fundraising advice focuses on networking—and for good reason. But founder
Michael Bamberger instead found success almost entirely through cold outreach, raising $7 million for software startup Tetra Insights. When warm intros weren’t working, he doubled down on research to target the best-fit investors, then cold-emailed his first batch of five funds, one of which became his lead investor. “When I changed my criteria to finding people who were a fit,” he says, “the process was really quick.”

Provide value and build relationships

Scott Kitun, host of the
Technori podcast and co-founder of bespoke song platform Songfinch, is an expert at playing the long game. He leveraged the relationships he forged running a valuable podcast to raise the first $1 million for Technori in 2018 and to fill a full slate of pitch meetings for Songfinch’s Series A. As he considered an exit for Technori, he built a lucrative newsletter and readership—an ideal fit for acquiring company KingsCrowd.

He advises founders to work toward creating value, even before launching a startup: “I would start focusing my attention on building one single asset, [one] you know your [potential] acquirers desperately need.”

Bottom line: Not every startup is destined for the traditional fundraising process. Know what your company needs and don’t hesitate to go after it.

Level up your pitch meetings

Let investors know what to expect

Frame your meeting as you go, says serial entrepreneur
Iddo Tal, whose live online course Raise the Round teaches investors his step-by-step method for fundraising success. Telling investors what they can expect from the meeting upfront—one of the steps in his seven-step method for meetings that close deals—demonstrates your organization and preparation, and the effect on investors is immediate.

“I see their shoulders relax,” he says. “They know they have five minutes that they need to be quiet, and after … [it’s] their show to ask questions.”

Give investors a chance to breathe

Demetrius Gray of Captain also found success in acknowledging the taxing schedule of back-to-back pitches that investors often face. He uses this quick script to provide everyone a moment to pause before returning focus to the pitch: “Hey, I understand that you’ve had a busy day. I can’t imagine how many meetings you’ve had so far. I’ll give you 30 seconds to just take a breath. And then I’ll start.”

Stay on task

Investors’ packed schedules often mean founders have very narrow windows of opportunity in which to communicate their messages.
Eitan Reisel, founder of gaming fund vgames, advises keeping your pitch deck short and sweet. “In two seconds, I need to understand what you’re about,” he says. “Tell the story with no more than eight slides: who you are as founders, what you’re building and what the vision is.”

Eva Dobrzanska of startup consulting firm True Altitude echoes this advice, pointing out that a pitch deck is not a sales deck. She advises against going into great detail about products or tech in your pitch deck. “I want to know what the product is, but then show me the results,” she says. “Show me the traction. Show me your go-to-market. Show me where the people interested in that product are.”

Bottom line: Run a kickass meeting by setting up expectations and maintaining a laser focus on what’s most important to investors.

Identify your champions


Your startup’s success is a function of how good your team is, says
Biju Ashokan, founder of the Radius Agent platform for real estate agents. When it comes to hiring, he looks for people who have previously worked on a successful project—and it doesn’t necessarily need to be at a startup. “If they’ve seen growth and witnessed growth, they know what works and what doesn’t work,” he says. “Ask them really challenging questions. Make it look like your company is going to be a lot of hard work and see how they react to those questions.”


Kindred cofounders Justine Palefsky and Tas Amina, a significant part of laying the groundwork for their home-swapping membership platform was engaging in serious “founder dating” by diving into difficult conversations upfront and understanding what each founder brings to the table. “Over time, that’s resulted in us seeing around a lot of corners,” Tas says. “The amount of trust that we have in each other allows us to split problems and run with them.”

Don’t try to go it alone. The startup journey is not an easy one, so finding the right partners to walk alongside you can make all the difference. “You have to play whatever cards you get dealt. But whenever possible, find people to join up with,” says Fathom’s Richard White. “That’s sometimes the hardest thing to do. I struggled for a long time with being the lone wolf in the woods, and you can’t really get as much done that way.”


Find the “true believers” in your network. Strong connections with investors can give you a huge head start, whether you’re raising capital for your startup or raising your own VC fund. But, as
John Zeratsky discovered when looking for limited partners for his fund Character.vc, even the best connections must understand the value of the business model before they’ll write a check. “We had to understand the landscape of limited partners who invest in venture and figure out who was looking for this kind of exposure, versus the ones just taking a meeting because we know them,” John says.

Bottom line: Surround yourself with people who believe in your vision and will help elevate your company to success.

A strong foundation makes for successful fundraising

From key hires to finances to detailed documentation,
Mountside Ventures founder Jonathan Hollis recommends a long checklist for founders preparing to fundraise. Near the top of that list? A robust financial model that includes thoughtful growth projections for multiple future scenarios, which is a critical element in addressing investors’ potential concerns.

“As an investor, I can [look at the assumptions and see] what happens if my growth doesn’t double year-on-year,” he says. Prospective investors can also forecast “what happens if it takes six months instead of three months for my new sales hires to [become] productive and bring in new customers, what happens if my customer numbers fall.”

If a strategy is good for fundraising, it’s good for building a great company, says
Jason Yeh of Adamant Ventures. The experienced entrepreneur and investor creates content to support and educate founders about their most difficult challenges, including fundraising.

He says founders should stop thinking of fundraising preparation as separate from growing their companies: “I believe the best fundraising is demonstrating that you are a great company and that you’re worth betting on, and then doing everything you can to have investors discover that.”

Make sure your hard work is reflected in your outreach. For fund manager
Paige Finn Doherty of Behind Genius Ventures, a well-positioned cold email can help a startup stand out. That’s especially important when only 0.5 to 1% of those that contact her fund get a check. “Get really clear [about]that problem,” she says. “Why are you uniquely positioned to solve it? What steps have you taken to validate that the problem is a really large one, and that people are willing to pay?”

Bottom line: Invest time and effort in building a strong startup—the return will be worthwhile.