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How to Listen to Your Intuition in Business—And Why You Should

When you make a business decision, do you rely on your head or your gut? Are you strictly a by-the-numbers business owner, or do you “have a feeling” about something and act on it?

Kim Woods does both. She’s a master astrologer and a business strategist. She has numerous certifications as a master-level intuitive and an MBA. Woods has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 executives achieve personal, professional, and financial success.

I talked to Woods about what she foresees for business in 2023 and how you can tap into your intuitive powers to grow your business.

Listening to your intuition in business

Rieva Lesonsky: When did you learn you had this special power?

Kim Woods: I discovered the power of my intuition when my son, Nick, was born with significant health issues. Until then, I’d built a successful career based on someone else’s definition of success and ultimately lost myself. The crisis with my son forced me to find myself again.

Relying on my intuition and marrying ancient wisdom with Western methods, I [refused to] accept the doctor’s plan to work around the issues. I [followed] my strategies for eight years until I saw the complete transformation and realized I’d never turn my back on my intuition again.

Lesonsky: When did you start your own business? Did you always combine being an intuitive with business consulting?

Woods: I got my MBA during my corporate career because I reasoned that I never wanted to have to explain why I didn’t have it. Isn’t that ridiculous? The universe is wily, however. Babson College is ranked #1 in entrepreneurship in the country, so I took as many classes as I could. These classroom conversations prompted me to consider opening my own business, and I’m hooked—entrepreneurship is my jam!

I started this business after I outgrew my traditional business strategy firm. I attempted to incorporate intuition with my business then, but my clients would say, “We like your business expertise, but keep the woo at home.”

Of course, I didn’t because you can’t possibly separate yourself from your natural gifts. However, I did respect their wishes and kept my intuition quiet. But it was my secret weapon for teaching unteachable leaders, gaining consensus for a particular vision, and keeping employees engaged.

This business was born to put my intuition forward. It’s my promise to myself. Prospective clients must say yes to me walking into the stars the minute they’re born and channeling the voice of their soul. It’s non-negotiable. When clients want my 25-plus years of C-suite business strategy expertise, they also get the oracle and healing faculties.

Lesonsky: What’s in store for small business owners this year?

Woods: The theme of the year is POWER.

Globally, social and environmental justice will come to the fore with power structures undergoing scrutiny. Everything has been brought to the surface in the last few years—the rights of minorities and women, massive weather events, and the pandemic introducing a flashpoint for healthcare versus sick care. The stars stir up what’s wrong with the power structures and support innovative solutions [at a] grassroots, organic, and local [level].

This decade represents the turning from traditional, institutional, top-down power structures to consensus, humanitarian, and service-oriented value-based influence. Being equitable, inclusive, and sustainable is essential for every business.

Growth in the medical, scientific, and technological sectors will continue. Media businesses, both digital and traditional, and the arts, will get a boost in the next few years. In addition, non-traditional healing methods and mystical methods will become part of the mainstream.

Personally, the stars will ask you to step into your power and authority. You know you’re in your power when you make sound decisions and stick to them, remain solid no matter what’s happening around you, and have the confidence to ask for and accept support.

You know you’re out of your power when you second-guess yourself, consistently put others’ needs before your own, and find yourself lacking when you compare yourself to others.

I typically choose movies to describe the year’s energy. Last year, the film was Twister, with the goal of staying in the eye of the storm with all the chaos going on around you. This year, it’s Jerry Maguire. Yes, “Show me the money!” Yet it only happens when you stand in your authenticity, live your true purpose, and allow your full potential.

Lesonsky: Any particular bad times or good times you can pinpoint?

Woods: March, May, and July are complicated months that won’t be great for big events, travel, or launching new initiatives. Keep March simple and be flexible about changing your plans. Be wary of overextending yourself in May, and don’t make new offerings in the first few weeks. July reaches a crescendo of explosive energy, so keep [an eye on] your travel plans.

January, February, and June will be excellent for launching, connecting, and selling. The forward momentum increases each week through January and February. Things seem to come together easily.

Remember that the energy is massive this year, pushing toward growth, which can be exhausting for people who need lots of downtime. So healthy habits and sound business practices are a must.

Lesonsky: What advice do you have for small business owners about listening to their gut?

Woods: Your instinct is your doorway into intuition. It’s the initial knock that gives you your initial yes or no reaction. The key is determining how your body communicates instinctively with you.

For many, their instinctive feelings arise in the belly or neck, but for others, their bodies respond differently. The key is to figure out how your instinct responds to a yes or no question. For example, your body may change temperature, make you shudder, give you goosebumps, or even cause a soft flutter on your arms or legs.

Once you determine how your body instinctively gives you nudges, you’ll be able to rely on your instincts as a first response to fully communicate with your intuition.

Lesonsky: Are people afraid to listen to their inner voices? If so, how do you get over that?

Woods: People hesitate to listen to their inner voices because it takes a leap of faith to believe. And you’ve probably systematically shut your intuition down so often that it’s gone quiet.

Your intuition begins as a whisper, inkling, or nudge and often doesn’t make sense, while your mind talks to you in complete sentences and rationalizes itself at every turn. It’s easier to believe your thoughts than the nudges that may or may not make sense.

Lesonsky: How should small business owners get started following their intuition?

Woods: You can get over being afraid by practicing following your instincts. Once you get that initial reaction, listen to it. Then, take the opportunity to rely on your intuition for small things, like taking an umbrella, following certain traffic routes, and finding a parking space. Then you can use your intuition for bigger decisions, like hiring a particular person or making an offer to a specific client.