How a Texas Border City Is Shaping the Future of Global Trade

Laredo, across from Mexico on the Rio Grande, is primed to become one of the world’s most important land ports as American companies reduce their reliance on factories in Asia.

Battery Ventures Agrees to Make Significant Investment to Drive Growth, Innovation in European Fleet-Management Technology Sector

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– #industrialtech–Battery Ventures, a global, technology-focused investment firm, today announced it has agreed to lead a combined growth-equity investment in two complementary cloud-software companies serving the growing European fleet-management sector. Vimcar, based in Berlin, and Avrios, based in Zurich, provide complementary software solutions for forward-thinking, European businesses managing fleets of vehicles—as well as certain professionals—to monitor their fleet operations, tra


印度尼西亚雅加达–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美国商业资讯)–为实现可持续发展承诺,PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI)已指定博莱克威奇负责为其位于印度尼西亚东爪哇的Manyar冶炼厂设计和管理海水淡化厂的交付。 海水淡化厂将用于支持西巴布亚省Grasberg矿的精矿加工。印度尼西亚新建的国内铜冶炼与精炼厂支持该国的下游战略,即进一步提炼加工后的矿山精矿,并为当地社区和整个国家带来更多经济价值。 PTFI企业规划和业务战略执行副总裁Horst-Dieter Garz表示:“减少水资源消耗是我们兑现可持续发展承诺的重要举措。使用替代水是资源保护的关键。博莱克威奇在替代水技术方面的丰富经验有助于我们实现可持续的业务增长。” 博莱克威奇与其联合运营协议(JOA)伙伴PT Wika合作,将负责执行海水淡化厂的工程、采购、施工和调试工作。 博莱克威奇执行副总裁兼亚太区董事总经理Narsingh Chaudhary表示:“在全球向脱碳和可持续未来转型过程中,采矿业发挥着关键作用。从海洋取水可为当地社区和生态系统节省淡水资源,并确保未来的水资源更可持续、更有弹性且更