Kepner-Tregoe Announces New Digital Transformation Practice

PRINCETON, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Kepner-Tregoe (KT), the global leader in critical thinking skill development and process improvement, proudly announces the creation of a new business unit focused specifically on providing consulting services, analytics, and capability development supporting the digital transformation of clients around the globe. Beginning 1 January 2023, this new practice will help organizations effectively utilize big data to generate new insights into their businesses while

2nd STREET USA, Inc. Opens in Dallas, a Major City in Texas! It Will Also Open a Store in Frisco, the Twentieth Store Opening in the US! 2nd STREET Deep Ellum Opened on December 3, 2022, and 2nd STREET Frisco Will Open on January 7, 2023

NAGOYA, Japan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– #2ndstreet–(Business Wire)– 2nd STREET USA, Inc. a subsidiary of GEO Holdings (TOKYO:2681), opened 2nd STREET Deep Ellum in Dallas, Texas USA on December 3, 2022. It will also open 2nd STREET Frisco in Frisco, Texas on January 7, 2023. 2nd STREET USA, Inc. buys and sells used clothing and accessories. After opening its first store in Melrose, California (in Los Angeles County) in January of 2018, it has expanded to eighteen different locations. 2nd STREET Frisco will be th


日本小山–(BUSINESS WIRE)–(美國商業資訊)–半導體微影製程光源製造商Gigaphoton Inc.(總部:櫪木縣小山市;總裁兼執行長:Katsumi Uranaka)宣佈改善現場支援能力的政策,將擴大培訓能力,在全球為微影製程光源提供現場服務和支援。 產業報告顯示,半導體市場規模到2030年可望成長到一兆美元。半導體微影製程光源製造商Gigaphoton正致力於擴充其設施和培訓現場服務工程師,以便為客戶提供更好的支援系統,進而支援產業成長。 為擴大Gigaphoton集團對現場支援工程師的培訓能力,公司在臺灣台南和台中增設了培訓中心。目前,臺灣的四個服務據點均已安裝培訓雷射器。此外,Gigaphoton還在美國、新加坡和中國常州增加了培訓雷射器,並擴大了培訓中心的規模。 Gigaphoton計畫不斷擴大各地區的培訓設施,在2025會計年度將全球培訓雷射器和培訓人員的數量增加一倍(與2020會計年度相比)。 Gigaphoton總裁兼執行長Katsumi Uranaka表示:「對半導體的需求可望持續成長至2030年,公司客戶所使用的光源也在逐年增加。我們正在加強對